Trolleys will only take cash for 1 ways. Please have exact change. Drivers do not carry change.
Reduced rate valid for:
Senior 65+ & Disabled with Proper ID
Pinellas County Students with Proper ID
Pinellas County Adult Student ID
contactless payment & group passes supported by flamingo fares
-Spring Break @ Park N Ride Locations Only
(2/25/2024 thru 4/27/2024)
-Municipal Elections (3/19/2024)
-Earth Day (4/22/2024)
-Car Free Day (9/22/2024)
-New Years Eve (12/31/2024)
Do you go to Johns Pass?
No, our beach route goes as far south as Sandkey/Bay park​
Do you have a veterans discount?​
Please contact PSTA at 727-540-1901
Can I bring my pet with me?​
We allow service animals only​
Where can I find free parking in Clearwater?​
North Bound
South Bound
Children 8 & Under
Unlimited Daily Pass
No longer available for purchase on trolley
Download Flamingo Fares or call 727-540-1900 for options
Regular Cash Fare
$ 2.25
Reduced Rate: $ 1.10
North Beach Route
Our northern beach route, will take you north of Causeway Blvd and the roundabout We begin at the Clearwater Marina and our stops are as follows:
We then head back southbound on Mandalay Avenue towards downtown Clearwater Beach, stopping at the following locations:
And we return back to the Clearwater Marina, where you can continue to ride or hop off and head on our South Beach Route, or jump on our Coastal Route and head all the way to Tarpon Springs!
South Beach Route
Starting at our southern most point to the center of Clearwater Beach our stops are as follows:
We then take a trip across the Causeway Blvd Bridge into Downtown Clearwater to join up with our Coastal Route, before coming back across the bridge and stopping at the following locations as we head southbound back down the beach.
Jolley Trolley Public Routes
Jolley Trolley has formed a partnership with Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority to provide scheduled public routes available at a low cost to travel within the Clearwater Beach area and beyond. The Beach routes offer destinations up and down the beach, with two routes; the North Beach route, and the South Beach route. The coastal tour offers a unique experience to travel up our beautiful coast, and stop at some beautiful locations including Downtown Dunedin, Palm Harbor and Tarpon Springs.
Guests staying at any of the following hotels are FREE with their room card (+4 guests)
Opal Sands
Sheraton Sandkey
Marriott Sandkey
Tradewinds (on St. Pete Beach)